


bet亚洲365欢迎投注体育传播中心是体育传播研究和实践的全球领导者, and prepares students for careers in  sports journalism, 广播, 分析, 还有更多. 该中心为本科生提供独特的教育体验,获得了国内和国际的认可. 玛丽斯特学生实习生在专职教师的指导下支持中心的工作, which grants students unparalleled opportunities and access.

Image of Bob Costas at a Marist podium.

体育传播中心让学生有机会接触这个行业,并获得实践经验. 例子包括:

  • 与whatever和HBO的Real Sports合作,与Bryant Gumbel进行体育相关的调查研究
  • 体育传播领导力系列演讲,过去曾邀请CBS体育广播员詹姆斯·布朗和ESPN体育博客“不败ESPN”的凯文·梅里达到校园
  • An academic partnership with the sports public relations think tank Sports PR Summit
  • The College's Lifetime Excellence in 体育交流 awards, with past recipients HBO’s Bryant Gumbel, ESPN的汉娜·斯道姆, 以及NBC的鲍勃·科斯塔斯.

Student-Produced Red Fox Report Airs on Marist ESPN Broadcasts

《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》是一款体育直播节目,是ESPN+上许多bet亚洲365欢迎投注比赛直播的一部分. It gives students exposure as "on air talent" on the national streaming platform, as well as opportunity to lead behind-the-scenes production. 该部分回顾了bet亚洲365欢迎投注的体育赛事,是一个完全动手,学生运行的体育生产. Since its inception in the Fall 2022 semester, the Red Fox Report has grown its participation and impact. Students manage every part of the production from start to finish, gaining key skills to help them grow professionally.


体育传播中心提供了一系列令人难以置信的参与机会. 中心领域, 学生生产了播客, 体育传播研究使我们的学生能够将他们的实践经验集中在他们最感兴趣的特定行业和体育项目上. Explore our exciting involvement opportunities below.

想象一下,当你还是一名大学生的时候,帮助制作一场NCAA一级联赛的篮球比赛. 这正是bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的学生与学院体育部合作为ESPN3和ESPN+制作游戏的机会. 学会删减现场回放, work different camera positions on the floor, 尝试新技术, and work your way into the ESPN Teaching Control Room in the McCann Center.

想参与进来吗?? Contact Director of Athletic Multimedia 尼古拉斯 Skidmore at 尼古拉斯.Skidmore@Marist.edu 了解更多信息.














Stephen Raum


A group of 体育交流 students visited the ESPN studios at South St. 在《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》的主持人托尼·雷里的带领下,他们进行了一次全方位的参观,随后上了一节电视理论课. Reali让我们在演播室录制当天的节目,并把我们介绍给ESPN的分析师,他们分享了这个空间. It was an incredible behind-the-scenes look at one of the most popular shows on ESPN.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的 BA in 沟通 with a concentration in 体育交流 takes students beyond team scores and statistics. It requires that students read and analyze sports in new ways, critically examining the role of sports in society and considering such areas as gender, 比赛, and public policy in the context of sports. 该计划将伦理和理论深度与实际写作和公共演讲技巧相结合. 它还要求学生在该领域实习,为学生从事体育信息和新闻工作做好准备.





bet亚洲365欢迎投注的 BA in 沟通 with a concentration in 体育交流 takes students beyond team scores and statistics. It requires that students read and analyze sports in new ways, critically examining the role of sports in society and considering such areas as gender, 比赛, and public policy in the context of sports. 该计划将伦理和理论深度与实际写作和公共演讲技巧相结合. 它还要求学生在该领域实习,为学生从事体育信息和新闻工作做好准备.


Smith, a 15-year veteran of ESPN, who was also a reporter for the 波士顿环球报, brings a wealth of broadcast and print experience to the role. He will teach a course for upper-classmen called "The Interview," focusing on in-depth interviewing techniques.

另外, 他将主持一场有关体育文化问题的研讨会,并计划在今年秋天举行校园对话,与更多的学生见面.

A group of 体育交流 students visited the ESPN studios at South St. 在《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》的主持人托尼·雷里的带领下,他们进行了一次全方位的参观,随后上了一节电视理论课. Reali让我们在演播室录制当天的节目,并把我们介绍给ESPN的分析师,他们分享了这个空间. It was an incredible behind-the-scenes look at one of the most popular shows on ESPN.

以前的新闻 & 来自中心的事件

Marist 体育传播中心/whatever Results & 分析: 

bet亚洲365欢迎投注民意调查和体育传播中心合作进行了一项bet亚洲365欢迎投注冠状病毒时代体育观看习惯的调查. 体育迷们证实,他们现在花在看体育比赛上的时间比过去少得多, 哪些评级还显示. Our results also point to some of the reasons behind the drop, including resistance to athletes speaking out in the area of social justice. 

这些数据按种族、性别、政党和其他人口统计信息进行了分类. 当你看着它的时候, 你会看到民主党人和共和党人都在报告减少看体育比赛时间的不同原因, even though many from all sides of the political spectrum are. 

想了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注政治、社会正义和冠状病毒如何扰乱观看习惯的信息, 点击这里.


碰头. 9月. 10, 6:00 p.m. 鲍勃·科斯塔斯: Costas currently calls baseball games for the MLB Network, and is a CNN sports analyst. 作为体育界最可信的声音之一,他报道了无数届奥运会,这是他传奇职业生涯的一部分.  

我的. 9月. 14, 11:00 a.m. 教授. Chris Riviezzo broadcast reel workshop: 里维佐将帮助学生思考如何向未来的雇主展示他们的视频和数字作品. 这对一年级和二年级的学生特别有用,这样他们就可以随时存档他们的作业. 

结婚. 9月. 30, 12:00 p.m. Jemele希尔: One of the few sports reporters President Donald Trump calls by name, 希尔和卡里·钱皮恩(Cari Champion)一起开设了一个新的播客,并为一些媒体提供体育和文化方面的评论. 她在ESPN工作了十多年,并与前玛丽斯特兼职教授迈克尔·史密斯一起主持了《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》节目.   

结婚. 10月. 7, 12:00 p.m. The Athletic NFL reporter Rhiannon Walker: 她为The Athletic报道了华盛顿队,在这个时代,这支球队因性骚扰而被指责,并在数十年的印第安人激进主义之后被迫改名. Before that, Walker was at ESPN’s 比赛 and culture site, The Undefeated.   

Trey Wingo视频缩略图 结婚. 10月. 21, 12:00 p.m. ESPN的Trey Wingo: Wingo is one of ESPN’s best-known hosts from his work with SportsCenter and NFL Live. He pairs with Mike Golic to host ESPN Radio’s popular morning show. Wingo is able to play information traffic cop in hectic environments, all the while making it look easy and fun.   

Watch this video of Trey Wingo's Speaker Series event >

结婚. 10月. 28, 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. 由Chris Nowinski的脑震荡遗产基金会举办的脑震荡报道研讨会: 这是一个独特的机会,可以了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注脑震荡的科学知识,以及在报道和讨论这个问题时经常犯的错误. 太频繁, we avoid covering things we don’t understand, and this workshop will discuss the injury beyond the context of football. 


Michael Smith moderates 国情咨文 event

2月,兼职教授迈克尔·史密斯在纽约行政中心主持了国情咨文. With the WNBPA's executive director Terri Jackson, USWNT莫莉·莱文森和NFLPA前球员服务高级总监诺兰·哈里森, 讨论范围从目前的集体谈判协议到球员可能试图谈判的看不见的利益. Whether it is a 17-game season or child-care for players, students were able to ask about the intricacies hidden in these dense contracts.


 bet亚洲365欢迎投注任命ESPN的资深制作人克里斯·里维佐为学院体育传播中心的临时主任. Riviezzo, who is a Marist alumnus and Dutchess County native, has been a highly regarded studio producer at ESPN for more than two decades, working on productions of some of the biggest events in sports.

Read the full article >

Get in the game: Help produce Marist bet亚洲365欢迎投注’ ESPN3 coverage

学会在现场比赛中切断回放,以及所有其他技能,这些技能有一天可能会让你进入现场事件报道的控制室. Contact Director of Athletic Multimedia 尼古拉斯.Skidmore@office-jinno.com 了解更多信息.